Status of MO Gun Bills
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Consider reloading this page if visited before to ensure presentation of the latest version and not an older cached copy. During the legislative session, the report may be updated frequently, even throughout the day, Monday-Thursday, though little to not at all on weekends.
The Status report contains the following information and links:
- the bill number, linked to the bill’s page at,
- the bill’s rating (ratings are subject to change!),
- a “flag” icon to the right of the bill number, if applicable, showing a solid red flag (⚑) for “red flag” gun-confiscation bills or a red-outlined flag (⚐) for domestic violence type gun-prohibition bills, just to the right of the bill number,
- the bill’s LR number, linked to the bill’s full-text document at (if available). The LR number is located far right of the bill number. (The LR number reveals the version of the bill: the two numbers after the dot is the revision number, the last letter is revision type; e.g., “I” is the sponsor’s introduced bill, “C” is a committee substitute, etc.),
- a progress bar for each bill to show how far it’s progressed through the legislative process,
- the bill’s full Title string, if it’s no longer just the original bill number (e.g., a committee substitute bill, or merged bills that incorporate all of the bill numbers),
- the sponsor’s name, linked to the legislator’s member page at,
- the short description of the bill,
- the last action reported for the bill, and
- a highlighted note if a public hearing has been scheduled.